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Women's Center at Westover Hills
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(210) 858-1101

3D/4D Ultrasound

Women’s Services at Westover Hills is now offering elective 3D/4D prenatal ultrasounds to provide a positive bonding experience for the mother, father, and family members with the unborn baby. Realistic surface images provide a connection between the parents and baby that can be beneficial for everyone.

The best time to have this type of ultrasound is between 28 and 32 weeks. Within this range, the baby has well-developed facial features and has enough amniotic fluid for you to get great pictures. We make no promises that the images will be similar to those you might have seen elsewhere. Every baby scans differently, depending on gestational age, position, amount of fluid, and the mother’s condition.

Our certified ultrasound technician will present you with pictures and a DVD to show family and friends your beautiful bundle of joy.

Please note, insurance does not cover the costs of these ultrasounds. You will be required to pay the cost of this ultrasound as an out of pocket expense and payment is due at time of service.

Call our office today to schedule your appointment! 210-858-1101

From Our Patients
“Dr. Cajas has been my Dr. for my past three pregnancies... I absolutely love him and his staff.
I would highly recommend him to anyone.” – Rosy Estrada