Schedule is based on a normal pregnancy. Your schedule may differ slightly based on your customized prenatal care.
Your initial visit with your provider will include a complete health history, vital signs, weight, urinalysis, ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and due date, pap smear, vaginal cultures to check for infection. Also, current guidelines require the following labs to be drawn at the beginning of your pregnancy:
You will also receive our new OB packet which contains valuable information that you will use throughout your pregnancy. For first time Moms we will register you for your free prenatal class at this visit. For all our Moms, Dads and future infant caregivers registration for Friends and Family Infant CPR is available at this visit and future visits.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, and fetal heart tones by Doppler.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. The Triple Screen Test, which is performed from 15-20 weeks, tests for genetic disorders including neural tube defects (spina bifida) and chromosome abnormalities (Down Syndrome).
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. In order to assess fetal growth a measurement of the uterus will be obtain beginning at this visit and continuing throughout the pregnancy. A screening ultrasound for the evaluation of the baby’s growth and anatomy will be performed by our sonographer at 18-20 weeks. You may also find out the sex of your baby at this ultrasound.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. One hour glucose testing to evaluate for gestational diabetes. A Rhogam injection will be given at this visit for patients who are Rh negative. Tdap is recommended for all pregnant women between 27-36 wks.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. Current guidelines requires blood work will also be drawn which checks for anemia, hepatitis, herpes, and syphilis.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. A culture will be collected in order to test for Group Beta Strep which is a bacteria that approximately 25% of healthy women carry. It is not a STD and a patient who is a carrier will not have symptoms. If you are a carrier of this bacteria you will receive antibiotics during labor to protect the infant from becoming infected during delivery.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. You will also have an ultrasound to assess the baby for growth, position, and estimated weight.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. At this visit we will do a cervical check for dilatation.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. At this visit we will do a cervical check for dilatation.
Routine prenatal visit which includes vital signs, weight, urinalysis, uterine measurement, and fetal heart tones by Doppler. At this visit we will do a cervical check for dilatation.
The visit interval is approximate and dependent on maternal and fetal issues. Other testing may occur according to symptoms reported.
Any ultrasounds other than what are listed above will be done in the event of medical necessity, such as bleeding, hypertension, fetal growth problems or placental location.
“She is a great doctor, and brings with her a sense of comfort hard to find in other professionals. I’d recommend her to everyone! Thank you, Dr. Akonye, for your dedication.” – Priscilla Terrazas