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Women's Center at Westover Hills
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(210) 858-1101


Surgical Treatment Option

Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus — endometrium — grows outside the uterus.

This tissue is usually found in the pelvic region but can also be found in other parts of the body. Usually, the endometrium sheds once a month during a woman’s period but tissue found outside the uterus will not shed. Many women with endometriosis do not have symptoms but others may experience pain, irregular bleeding, and infertility.

If your surgery is recommended to treat symptoms of endometriosis you may be a candidate for minimally invasive da Vinci endometriosis resection. This procedure requires only a few tiny incisions. The enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control of the da Vinci system allows your surgeon to perform a more thorough removal of deeply penetrated or widespread endometrial implants.

Benefits over traditional surgery include:
  • Low blood loss
  • Low conversion rate to open surgery
  • Low rate of complications
  • Short hospital stay
  • Minimal scarring
From Our Patients

“She is a great doctor, and brings with her a sense of comfort hard to find in other professionals. I’d recommend her to everyone! Thank you, Dr. Akonye, for your dedication.” – Priscilla Terrazas