The patch is a small contraceptive patch that adheres to the skin to prevent pregnancy. Each patch lasts for 7 days.
After 7 days the old patch is removed and a new patch is placed in a different location of the body. After 3 patches (or 3 weeks) no patch is applied for 7 days and you will have a period. After the 7 day break a new box of patches is started. The patch has hormones similar to the birth control pill. The hormones prevent ovulation. About 9 women in 100 get pregnant while on the patch. The patch may not be effective for women who weigh more than 200 pounds.
The birth control patch does NOT protect you from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Use condoms to protect yourself from these infections.
“Dr. Akonye has been amazing to our family. She’s was my doc through all 4 of our pregnancies & I couldn’t have asked for a more down to earth person to walk us through every one of them.” – Priscilla Terrazas